Middleburg is a quaint and vibrant town located in Loudon County, Virginia. The Town is experiencing an increase in infill development and redevelopment in its low-density residential districts due to increased housing demand in the area. The Berkley Group worked with the Town of Middleburg to conduct a review of its low-density, single-family detached residential zoning district and recommend strategies to ensure compatible infill development and redevelopment in the R-2 neighborhoods. The goal of the project was to provide the Town with solutions in the form of additional zoning requirements derived from an extensive review of best practices and benchmark communities along with GIS analysis. Recommended solutions ranged from modifications to lot coverage definitions and requirements to more robust architectural standards through development of a neighborhood conservation overlay district.
The project was completed and presented to the Planning Commission in April 2022.
The project included:
Planning Commission work sessions and district tour
Overview of existing conditions
Summary of issues and challenges
Best practices research
Benchmarking research
GIS mapping and analysis of lot sizes and lot coverage
Recommended interventions